среда, 3 июня 2020 г.

Vacation in the Netherlands and Europe this summer, but not the UK, Sweden or the rest of the world

This evening, Prime Minister Rutte and Minister for Health Hugo de Jonge gave a press conference in which they answered the question we’ve all been wondering: can you go on holiday this year?

PM Rutte split his answer into three parts: holidays in the Netherlands, holidays in Europe, and holidays outside of Europe. He also quickly confirmed at the start of the press conference that primary schools would fully reopen on 8 June, as expected.

Holidays in the Netherlands

Holidays in the Netherlands are permitted. Obviously, you need to keep to the regular rules while doing so. You also shouldn’t take public transport to get there, instead go with car or bike.

Holidays in Europe

Holidays in Europe are a more complicated situation. The Netherlands is hoping to change its travel advice from code orange to code yellow for as many European countries as possible from 15 June. This will be the case for countries where the situation is comparable to that in the Netherlands, which, Rutte says, is true for most European countries.

From 15 June, a code yellow will be given to twelve countries, including Germany, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, and the six Caribbean islands. By 5 July, Rutte hopes to be able to add Switzerland, Spain, France, and Austria to that list. This also depends on whether other countries want to accept Dutch tourists. If they do not, the travel advice for that country will be kept at orange.

The travel advice for these countries, and for any others in Europe, can change quickly, Rutte warned, and holidaymakers should keep a close eye on the Nederlandwereldwijd website for up to date travel information.

The UK and Sweden cannot be visited by Dutch tourists

Rutte said that Dutch tourists cannot visit the UK and Sweden, as the situation there is too dangerous. This may change as the summer goes on. Rutte advised vacationers to keep to the rules in the country they visit, and at a minimum to keep to the Dutch rules. All travel is undertaken at the traveller’s own risk, and no repatriation will be offered if the travel advice changes while a person is on holiday.

Rutte also made it clear that EU and Schengen tourists are welcome in the Netherlands from 15 June onwards, with the exception of tourists from the UK and Sweden.

“Protest on the Dam was irresponsible,” says Rutte

Finally, Rutte made a brief comment about the anti-racism protest in Amsterdam on Monday. People in the Netherlands have the right to protest, he said, but also the obligation to keep to the coronavirus rules. “The death of George Floyd was unacceptable, but the protest on the Dam was irresponsible,” he said.

Will you be going on holiday this summer after all? Let us know in the comments below.

Feature Image: Abuzer van Leeuwen/Supplied. 

The post Vacation in the Netherlands and Europe this summer, but not the UK, Sweden or the rest of the world appeared first on DutchReview.

Source: dutchreview.com

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