суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.

Tweet of the Week #67: Dealing With Chikan


Japan is a safe country. Unless you’re a woman riding on a packed train during rush hour, that is. Chikan (痴漢(ちかん)), or train groping, continues to be a problem in Japan, and Japanese authorities are not doing enough to tackle the issue.

Japan needs to do better to stop chikan

Let’s be clear—sexual harassment on trains is not a recent phenomenon, nor is it limited to Japan. We’d bet the problem can be traced back to when public transportation first became commonly used to commute to work and school. Current statistics indicate women to be the majority of the victims, but public attitudes don’t make it easy for men to speak up after being groped on a train either.

In a culture that values social harmony over individual needs, gropers profit from their victims’ fear of causing a fuss in public.

Japanese victims are speaking-up more than before, but it’s far from being enough. In a culture that values social harmony over individual needs, gropers profit from their victims’ fear of causing a fuss in public.

Over the years, Japanese authorities have only taken halfway measures to deter gropers. Women-only train carriages, poster campaigns, and web applications to call for help discreetly all serve as small bandaids on a nationwide problem.

What can you do if you witness groping on the train? A Twitter Thread

While the authorities run around in circles battling sexual harassment with stickers and comic-style posters, passengers are left with little guidance on how to react when witnessing chikan. The bystander effect is even harder to shake off in Japan, where people worry about getting in trouble for stepping in.

Drawing from his very own experience, Twitter user @keizi666 wrote a series of tweets giving advice on how to safely apprehend a train groper.




= I’d like everyone to know that witnessing groping right in front of you can happen. You think it doesn’t happen, right? But it does. And when it does, here’s what you should know to stay calm and apprehend the culprit.

  • Discreetly take a video or picture of the act.
  • Make sure you record the culprit’s face.
  • Make sure to have several men around to help apprehend the culprit.

To be continued.

@keizi666 goes on with more crucial pointers on how to ensure the culprit doesn’t get away while avoiding putting yourself in danger.



  • When you apprehend the culprit, firmly hold both their arms and belt from behind.
  • Confiscate the culprit’s cellphone and don’t give it back by any means.
  • A police case cannot be opened without the victim, so ask them to come with you. Getting help from a woman to take care of the victim is a good idea.
  • Call the station staff and get the police to come.
  • Make sure to hand over (the culprit and your proof) to the police to prevent future crime.

To be continued.



  • Make the culprit obey using a firm and loud voice. Quite often they obey to what you say.
  • Ignore excuses from the culprit.
  • Let’s forget about the inconvenience of being late for school or work for the time being.
  • Firmly secure the culprit, taking into consideration that they may escape on the railway tracks.
  • Pat the outside of their pockets to check for weapons.

To be continued.

Following with a few more tweets,@keizi666 emphasizes how we should always be on the lookout and anticipate these incidents. Anticipation is key to keep our cool and gather evidence. Getting proof is also very important to avoid false claims and protect both the victim and yourself.

Stepping in is hard, but next time you witness a groper, do something about it.


目(め)の前(まえ)でme no mae de(right) in front of you
 chikan surugrope
そのうちsono uchisomeday, sooner or later
その時(とき)にsono toki niat that moment
落(お)ち着(つ)くochitsukucalm down
行動(こうどう)するkoudou suruact/behave
確保(かくほ)するkakuho suru secure
バレないようにbarenai you ninot to be found out
現場(げんば)genbascene (of a crime)
抑(おさ)えるosaerucontrol, hold
必(かなら)ずkanarazuwithout fail, absolutely
つづくtsuzukuto be continued
両腕(りょううで)ryouudeboth arms
後(うし)ろからushiro karafrom behind
取(と)り上(あ)げるtoriageru confiscate
絶対(ぜったい)にzettai niby no means/absolutely
返(かえ)すkaesugive back

Prepare yourself for what may come with the expression ておく

Japanese doesn’t really have tenses, right? That’s why you’ve got grammar books filled with phrases like ておく, to learn how to nuance your speech.

The expression “verb te form + おく” conveys that you’re acting or will act, with the future in mind. You’re anticipating future circumstances or actions. It might help to know the verb おく means “to place”.


= Before I go to sleep, I prepare my clothes for the next day.

マスクが売(う)り切(き)れる前に、買(か)っておこう。= I’ll buy some masks before they’re out of stock.

そのままにしておいてください。= Please leave it as it is (so you can pick up where you left off in the future).

A final and particular usage of the expression, one that you may hear a lot if you’re an anime aficionado, is やめておく(shortened to やめとく in casual speech) which means you’re giving up doing something.

しばらくは飲(の)み会(かい)はやめておきます。= I’ll stop going for drinks for a while.

Additional vocabulary

お願(ねが)いするonegaisuruask (polite)
駅員(えきいんekiin station staff
もらうmorau get
次(つぎ)のtsugi nonext…
ためにtame niin order to/for
渡(わた)すwatasuhand over
大(おお)きな声(こえ)でookina koe deloudly
従(したが)わせるshitagawaserumake someone obey
 無視(むし) mushi disregard
遅(おく)れるokureru be late
線路(せんろ)に逃(に)げるsenro ni nigerurun away on the train tracks
考慮(こうりょ)するkouryo suruconsider/take into account
武器(ぶきbuki weapon
しばらくshibarakufor a while
やめるyameru stop

For more on learning Japanese

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