пятница, 6 ноября 2020 г.

Video shows ‘out-of-control’ Edinburgh Bonfire Night blaze which left neighbourhood ‘looking like a war-zone’

Firefighters were forced to call the police after encountering "anti-social behaviour" while they battled an "out-of-control" bonfire in Edinburgh last night.

Two fire crews were dispatched to the blaze in Saughton Mains Park in the southwest of the city at 7:15pm last night, but called for backup from the force.

One eyewitness described the scene as a "war zone", and claimed police officers were forced to retreat temporarily after being pelted with fireworks by members of the public.

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"The bonfire is bigger than a three storey building," they added.

<img alt aria-hidden="true" class="i-amphtml-intrinsic-sizer" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,»>Stills taken from video footage of the bonfire, which shows the blaze through an alleyway between two nearby houses. (Credit: Lukasz Pokora)
Stills taken from video footage of the bonfire, which shows the blaze through an alleyway between two nearby houses. (Credit: Lukasz Pokora)

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson confirmed that there were no firefighter injuries.

They said: «We were alerted at 7.15pm on Thursday, November 5 to reports of an out-of-control bonfire in Edinburgh.

«Operations Control mobilised two appliances to the city’s Saughton Mains Park, where firefighters requested the assistance of their police partners after encountering antisocial behaviour.

«There were no firefighter injuries.»

Police Scotland have been contacted for comment.

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Source: scotsman.com

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