суббота, 14 ноября 2020 г.

Opinion: Janet Christie — Generation covid parades on my rain

Why the online generation are better equipped to cope with lockdown

<img alt aria-hidden="true" class="i-amphtml-intrinsic-sizer" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,»>Staying in the pink with Generation Covid
Staying in the pink with Generation Covid

"I know it's for our own good but with the short days, the miserable weather, not going anywhere," I say, whining, moaning and festering about the latest covid restrictions, tapping away at my workpod.

"I don't mind it too much," says Youngest, parading on my rain.

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"In fact," she says, all bright and chirpy. "I think I prefer it."

She sees my glare and adds a mollifying, "In some ways."

"Otherwise," she says, grinning like Pinky Pie My Little Pony after one too many sugar lumps "we'd all be too stressed. Because there's a lot going on."

"So you're not down about it?

"No, because I'm very lucky. Lots of people aren't. For me doing a course online is fine. You get in sometimes and see real people, but you can do it all from home, kind of. And it's not like we know any different. You don't miss what you've never had. And work's good, it's busy with all the takeaways."

"Hmph. But it's not the same. You need human contact to develop your people skills."

"I get plenty of that," she says. And doing takeaway food's better than sit in because you don't get the rude customers, mostly grateful ones. And if they're angry they're on the phone or online not RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. Plus I'm trained in difficult customer stuff."

"Yes, stay calm and wait till they stop shouting or complaining, say sorry, explain how it happened, tell them you're doing something to fix it, and keep saying that calmly while you wait for them to tire themselves out."

I remember this from parenting. Apart from the saying sorry.

"Oh! And the best thing? Because there's no-one sitting in, we can play our own music! We were all singing along to Abba today…"

"So sad for your generation."

"I've heard you singing it too sometimes," she says.

Hmph. "It's such a shame," I moan on, "all that new music you're not getting to see, festivals… the mud, the shoving in the mosh pit, not going to the toilet…"

"You're doing that 'hingmy. Projection."

"You're right. I'll stop complaining."

"Aw, don't worry about it. I'm so sorry for your situation. It's hard for older people at the moment because of Corona, but it's not forever, and I'm sure things will improve… you're just a bit tired…"

I know what she's doing. I ordered fries. Where are my fries?

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Source: scotsman.com

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