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Whether your pet spends time outside (or in a chilly basement or garage), or you've grown fond of a stray cat that hangs around your home, a heated cat house can help your furry friend stay warm.
A quick search proves that not all cat houses are created equal, however. Some need to be enclosed by sturdier housing to withstand outdoor conditions or are small enough that not every adult cat can fit comfortably inside them. But there's one that every cat parent seems to love. K&H Outdoor Kitty House has more than 6,000 reviews, most of which are 5 stars.
It's easy to see why this cat house is so popular. Not only does it come with a plush heated bed that will keep your cat cozy even in sub-zero temperatures, but it's also water-repellant. You can make it fully waterproof by raising the house with bricks and covering it in a plastic bag, according to some crafty customers.
This cat house also features two exits (clear door flaps), and requires no tools to assemble. Plus, since it's quite big (18 x 22 x 17 inches), it can accommodate more than one large cat.
One happy customer said, "My cat absolutely loves this house and heating pad. She is an indoor/outdoor cat who knows her own mind; when it's freezing cold outside, she stays out. I bought this for her and put it under a covered porch, and it works perfectly."
Another reviewer added, "I have a little feral cat that has been living on my unheated sun porch. […] This is northern Ohio, it is getting very cold. I was tormented, not knowing what to do. Looked up a heating pad, ran across the heated house. He is afraid of everything, [I] wondered if he would actually go in it… Took 4 days for him to trust that he would be okay. When I went out this morning to feed him, there he was all snuggled in. Made my day."
Source: apartmenttherapy.com
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