четверг, 29 октября 2020 г.

Lead Poisoning As Big An Issue As Ever

Lead poisoning is still affecting children all over the world. Reports show that over 800 million children globally have dangerous levels of lead in their systems. Lead is extremely dangerous, and even more so for children under the age of five.

The reason it is so dangerous for children is that it affects the brain. For those whose brains are fully developed, the issues aren't as serious. But for children who are developing every day, it can cause massive neurological effects.

Exposure to lead has been linked to mental health in children, which can cause crime and violence as they get older. Lead poisoning is still happening to people every day. The issue is as serious as ever.

What Are Some Of The Leading Causes Of Lead Poisoning?

Reports have shown that one of the leading causes of lead poisoning is through non-professional recycling of lead-acid batteries. This is especially bad in lower-income countries, where there is a lack of regulation when it comes to proper battery recycling procedures.


Workers in these lower-income countries who are dealing with lead-acid batteries, often don't know just how harmful they are. As they're breaking cases, and spilling acid, these harmful chemicals are surrounding the area and ultimately infecting those who are at a high-risk.

While this is a major cause of lead poisoning, it certainly isn't the only one. There is lead in many different things. Often liquids and foods that we digest almost every day.

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Lead can be found in water, gasoline, food cans, spices, toys, medicines, and plenty of other consumer products. Lead can be found in factories that produce many of the drinks and foods that we consume. Those factory workers often bring it home with them.

How Does Lead Get Into The Body?

The main sources of lead exposure are inhalation and ingestion. Inhalation is when you're exposed to toxic chemicals in the air that you breathe in. This can occur when smelting, or stripping paint, even some gasoline is lead-based. Working around these toxic chemicals can lead to inhalation.

Ingestion is when you eat or drink something that is infused with lead. This can happen in water that runs through lead pipes, or food that comes in lead-soldered containers. It can be frightening because people can't see it.

It can also be laced in different cosmetics that are applied to the skin. This isn't as common but can still be a way to get lead poisoning. It can seep through the skin and enter the body that way.

Why Is Lead Particularly Dangerous For Children?

Children absorb more lead than adults. When children aren't fully developed and don't necessarily have enough in their bodies to fight it, it can become extremely dangerous for their development.

Children are also constantly putting their hands in their mouths, and trying to pick up everything they can off the floor. Especially in these lower-income countries, where houses aren't up to standard, children can pick some dangerous stuff off of the floor and ingest it.

If they're small or malnourished, they don't have the necessary combatants inside of them to get rid of the effects of the lead. It can still be dangerous in older men and women, but the chances are lower because they are developed, and they're stronger.

Lead Poisoning


What Is Being Done About Lead Poisoning?

The WHO (World Health Organization) has made a huge amount of information available on its website concerning lead-poisoning. They are developing guidelines and working with public officials, and health workers all over the world to identify, and fix certain issues that cause lead poisoning.

Lead gas has been mostly fazed out, and lead paint is on its way. Health workers all over the world are working to help make high-risk areas safer for those who are vulnerable.

However, lead poisoning is still very real and affects millions of people every year. People are working to make the world a healthier and safer place for everyone. There are many activist groups advocating for better regulations who are making a change.

What To Do If You Think You Or A Loved One Has Lead Poisoning

If you think you or a loved one has lead poisoning the very first thing you should do is seek medical attention. Lead poisoning is very serious and only gets worse the longer you are exposed to it.

You can also seek out legal representation from a law firm that deals with lead poisoning cases. In many cases, negligence is the root cause of the lead poisoning, so an attorney can help to protect your rights and even get you compensation.

There are also a wide range of resources available both online and in-person, depending on where you are located. Here are a few resources to get you started:


The post Lead Poisoning As Big An Issue As Ever appeared first on white girl dating black guy problems.

Source: residencestyle.com

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