ROGER Stone, a former adviser and friend to US President, Donald Trump, has said that if he loses out to Jo Biden in the November elections, Trump should enforce his power by declaring martial law.
The notorious Republican "fixer' who managed to escape jail time after an alleged witness tampering case with a little help from his friend, has now ironically stated that the President should jail high profile figures like the Clintons.
Roger Stone was caught out after lying about contacts with WikiLeaks during the election in 2016
and details of emails claimed to have been hacked from the accounts of members of the Democratic party.
However, Stone did not implicate Trump in any way and some say this helped him with an initial reduction in sentence and then leading to avoiding prison time completely. He is still classed as a convicted felon.
The two friends were in Nevada on Saturday, September 12, although for different reasons. Stone aired his views and suggestions for his friend when he called into Alex Jones's Infowars show.
Roger Stone is quoted as saying, "The ballots in Nevada on election night should be seized by federal marshals and taken from the state. They are completely corrupted. No votes should be counted from the state of Nevada if that turns out to be the provable case. Send federal marshals to the Clark county board of elections, Mr President!"
He also said the President should invoke the Insurrection Act and arrest the Clintons, , Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg, Apple' Tim Cook and "anybody else who can be proven to be involved in illegal activity".
Trump himself had much to say as usual and attacked the Democratic Nevada governor, Steve Sisolak, "This is the guy we are entrusting with millions of ballots, unsolicited ballots, and we're supposed to win these states. Who the hell is going to trust him? The only way the Democrats can win the election is if they rig it."
"Governor Sisolak is a punk. He should not face down the president of the United States," said Roger Stone in supposed support.
He also suggested, "forming an election day operation using the FBI, federal marshals and Republican state officials across the country to be prepared to file legal objections [to results] and if necessary to physically stand in the way of criminal activity".
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Source: euroweeklynews.com
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