With 22,084 fresh cases, Maharashtra‘s tally of confirmed Covid-19 cases now stands at 10,37,765. This includes 2,79,768 active cases. A total of 7,28,512 patients have been discharged after recovering from Covid-19 in the state, 13,489 in the last 24 hours. In addition, 391 more Covid-related deaths have pushed the state’s toll to 29,115. The recovery rate of Covid-19 patients in the state is 70.02 per cent.
Mumbai accounted for 2321 of the new cases and 42 deaths. The city has reported 1,67,608 confirmed cases to date and now has 29,131 active cases, while 1,30,016 patients have recovered from Covid-19 in Mumbai and 8106, have succumbed to it.
With 5495 fresh cases on Saturday, Tamil Nadu’s tally of confirmed Covid-19 cases climbed to 4,97,066. This includes 47,110 active cases. A total of 4,41,649 patients have been discharged from hospitals in the state after recovering from the virus, 6227 in the last 24 hours. The infection also claimed another 76 lives in Tamil Nadu in the last 24 hours, pushing its toll to 8307.
With 419 fresh cases on Saturday, Puducherry‘s Covid-19 caseload has climbed to 19,439. This includes 4831 active cases and 14,238 discharges. A total of 370 patients have succumbed to the virus in Puducherry to date, five in the last 24 hours.
The death toll due to Covid-19 rose to 2,288 with 76 more fatalities in Punjab, while the infection tally climbed to 77,057 with 2,441 fresh cases on Saturday, according to a medical bulletin. Fourteen deaths were reported from Ludhiana, 11 from Amritsar, 10 from Jalandhar, seven from Gurdaspur, five each from Hoshiarpur and Rupnagar, and four each from Barnala, Patiala and Kapurthala, it said.
With 9901 new cases, Andhra Pradesh‘s Covid-19 caseload now stands at 5,57,587. This includes 95,733 active cases.
The state of Uttar Pradesh reported 6846 fresh cases of Covid-19 on Saturday, pushing its tally of active cases to 67,955. A total of 2,33,527 patients have been discharged from various hospitals across the state after recovering from Covid-19, 6085 in the last 24 hours.
Two more people died of the coronavirus in Himachal Pradesh on Saturday, taking the death toll due to the disease in the state to 72, while a record single-day hike of 445 fresh cases pushed its tally to 9,230.
Haryana on Saturday reported the biggest single-day spike of 2,783 COVID-19 cases and 24 fatalities, which took the total infections in the state past the 90,000-mark and death toll to 956. With the record spike, the total cases rose to 91,115.
Uttarakhand recorded the highest single-day spike in Covid cases so far with 1,115 more people testing positive on Saturday while 14 infected people died in the state taking the toll to 402.
(WIth PTI inputs)
Source: indiatoday.in
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