четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.

Changes made to sports facility access in Elche

sports facility restrictions
RESTRICTIONS: Limited access to Elche sports facilities. CREDIT: sportscampspain

In a major announcement that will affect athletes and sports players, Elche is restricting the use of their sports facilities within the municipality.

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MAYOR of Sports for Elche, Vincente Alberola, confirmed that in a decision made to prevent further outbreaks of Covid-19, and to follow recommended government guidelines, sports facilities will be under restrictions once again.

"It is necessary to stagger the return to normal sports to avoid contagion," explains Alberola, following the announcement that only athletes who are participating in an active competition and set in the 2020/21 season calendar will be able to use the municipal sports facilities.

"You have to take into account that every week 50,000 athletes access our 15 municipal facilities and [if] they all return at the same time [it] would be reckless," he continued.

Further restrictions include; athletes can only begin training five to seven weeks before the date the competition starts which is also dependent on age, as Alberola explains, "For the seniors, for example, we have established the start of training seven weeks before the competition starts, because we understand that they need more time for physical preparation.

"Other categories will not be able to start training until the end of the month, since they start the competition in November, and the deadline is reduced to six or five weeks," he concluded.

The decision will come as a major blow for some clubs and parents accustomed to taking their children to training since the beginning of September.

For more news from Southern Costa Blanca, please follow this link.

Source: euroweeklynews.com

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