пятница, 28 августа 2020 г.

Children die in electrical storm on football field

Children electrical storm
TRAGEDY: Children killed in electric storm. CREDIT: Pinterest

An horrific event in Uganda left many children dead and injured during a serious electrical storm.

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DURING a football match in the northwest Ugandan city of Arua, a huge lighting storm hit the pitch and nine children between the ages of thirteen and fifteen lost their young lives.

One of the boys tragically died on the spot, whilst the other children died shortly after being transferred to the local hospital.

Local authorities indicated that three children, who also participated in that match, managed to survive and are being treated at the hospital.

Electrical storms in Uganda are a common occurrence and sadly, a lot of schools and health centres do not have lightning rods in order to prevent these kinds of fatalities.

The Ugandan Deputy Minister for Disaster Prevention, Musa Ecweru, stated, "This is negligence on the part of the people who certify whether these buildings are suitable for public use, and we are going to work to prevent more accidents."

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Source: euroweeklynews.com

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