суббота, 25 июля 2020 г.

BREAKING NEWS: Two-Week Quarantine Now Mandatory For Brits Returning From Spain

Holiday chaos as Brits returning from Spain now face a mandatory two-week quarantine. CREDIT: Twitter

Now Spain is though to be experiencing its second wave of coronavirus, the UK government has announced that anyone returning from the country faces a two-week quarantine period, effective from midnight tonight.

Holidaymakers already in Spain are now attempting to race back home to avoid the two week isolation period before it comes into effect tonight, which could cause scenes of chaos as thousands of Brits have flown to the Mediterranean to enjoy their summer holidays.

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The decision will also affect anyone with future travel plans, as many will have to cancel their holiday bookings due to the rising numbers of Covid cases in the country. Spain confirmed 2,255 in just 24 hours, which led to fear over a second wave.

The worst affected areas by the outbreaks are Catalunya and Aragon, where the first has closed down nightclubs in the entire region, while some areas still remain in lockdown and the Catalan government has urged people to stay at home wherever possible.

Source: euroweeklynews.com

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