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How to Create High-Converting Social Media Videos

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Most marketers have a love/hate relationship with social media. And who can blame them? Algorithm updates happen frequently, organic content is hard to rank or generate engagement for, and results can be hard to realize.

But there is a form of content that’s making a difference today. And that’s video. Social media video is here and if your brand isn’t capitalizing on all the opportunity they bring, you’re passing up on greater brand awareness, leads and sales.

Today, more than ever before, people are consuming video ravenously.

And it’s not just happening on video-on-demand platforms like Netflix and YouTube. It’s happening on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms, too.


Why Create Social Media Videos

Committing to social media video marketing may be a little tough for most marketers. It means finding or assigning the budget and resources to get the job done. You may also wonder whether it’s worth the effort or if you’ll generate any results.

Here’s evidence that proves investing in social media video will be worth your while.

A Massive Audience

Did you know that Facebook gets over eight billion video views a day and Twitter over two billion? Imagine how many of your customers turn to these platforms daily to consume videos.

And that’s not all. On social media, watching video is the second most performed activity across major social media platforms.

Research also shows that 64% of people are more likely to purchase a product after seeing a video about it, proof that you could miss out on more sales.

A Growing Market

Digital video advertising spend on desktop and mobile is also set to balloon to over $9 billion by 2023. That means more brands will be spending more of their budget on video advertising to better position their products and service.

Click-throughs also show that your competition is using social media video to drive traffic and sales. While these are worldwide click-through rates, niches perform differently and the more effective your campaigns the higher your CTR can be.

Evidence aside, how do you begin to make sense of social media video marketing. And, how do you create effective videos?


The Social Media Video Sales Funnel

Video is like any other piece of content in your funnel. It’s designed to serve a purpose. What’s great about video is that it’s also versatile. You’re able to attract an audience, educate and then convert them.

Here’s a look at how video fits into the marketing funnel.

Attract at the Top of the Funnel

Top-of-funnel videos help you generate awareness for your brand. Here, create straight-forward videos to introduce your brand, but also make them memorable enough to attract an audience.

Quickbooks’ video is a perfect example. In it, Danny DeVito plays himself. Using humor, he shows that this accounting software solution does all the work so you can focus on your business.

QuickBooks — Backing You

1.4 million people trust and use QuickBooks for payroll. So give it a try, even Danny DeVito says you should. #BackingYou

Posted by Intuit QuickBooks on Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Educate at the Middle of the Funnel

Middle-of-funnel content takes the engagement a little further. Your goal is to educate and drive consideration for your solution. This is where explainer videos, how-to’s and tutorials play a pivotal role in positioning your product or service.

In this example, ProjectStat shares why their solution is ideal for entrepreneurs. It helps them easily manage customer and supplier correspondence, making it easier to run their businesses.

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Convert at the Bottom of the Funnel

Bottom-of-funnel videos are all about driving conversions. Your goal is to get as many buyers to commit. To do this, you’ve got to produce strong and compelling videos that make committing easy.

These videos include demos, testimonials and case studies, and all videos that position your product as the ideal solution for buyers.

Take this video from Doodly. It’s filled with customer testimonials from professionals in various industries. What makes it so powerful is that each testimonial shares how easy Doodly is to use, and that’s a major drawcard for buyers looking for a tool like this.

Now that you have an idea of how video fits into your funnel, it’s time to look at how you can create high-converting videos for your social media audiences.


How to Make a High-Converting Social Media Video

While videos are a versatile form of content, they’re not nearly as complex to plan as most think. Here’s a simple four-step formula designed to help you grab attention, maintain it, deliver value and drive conversions.

1. Hook Your Audience

All smart and effective marketing leads with a powerful hook. And when it comes to video, you need one that makes your audience stop and pay attention, especially in cluttered social feeds.

Your hook is the first sentence or message you share. To capture attention immediately, you’ll need to introduce a concept or make a statement that’s not easily dismissed.

This could be anything from citing a statistic and relating it to your viewer to calling them out by trade or profession.

In this example, ClickFunnels calls out entrepreneurs immediately.

Welcome To FunnelFlix

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Posted by ClickFunnels on Wednesday, February 19, 2020


2. Introduce Yourself and Your Brand

While not all videos will have a presenter speaking, the ones that will include a quick introduction of the presenter and the brand. Intros clear the air and help viewers answer the all-important “who are you?” question.

They also give your audience a chance to identify where the information is coming from and begin to develop a sense of brand affinity.

In Jim Kwik’s video, he uses an insert from a keynote and superimposes text on his video to help audiences identify him and his brand.

Kwik Reading — The Most Complete Speed Reading Program

Do you have bad reading habits? 🤔We spend a lot more time reading than we realize. From articles to memos to memes, the words just keep coming. 📚But depending on our skill as a reader, reading can take up a lot of time. ⏰ This might be because of some bad reading habits like…📘 Having problems concentrating.📗 Rereading the same part over and over.📙 Saying the words silently in your head while reading.📕 Focusing our eyes on one word at a time, moving one space and focusing on the next word.The good news is, reading is a skill like any other — one that can be strengthened and sharpened over time. 💪That’s why I’ve put together a course to teach you not only to read faster but smarter.🤓It’s called Kwik Reading and divided into 21 online daily sessions which will teach you the four key elements of reading:✅Focus✅Speed✅Retention✅Comprehension Becoming a skilled reader will free up hours of your time every day and allows you to unlock your almost unlimited potential for learning… Register today 👉 https://goo.gl/BWGziY

Posted by Kwik Learning on Tuesday, September 10, 2019


3. Deliver Value in the Body

Value is a must. It’s what will help your audience move from a state of interest and closer to commitment. But to get your audience to budge, you’ll need to offer them the knowledge that makes it worthwhile.

How much value should your video include?

Nothing more than what you need to have a viewer take the next step. Whether you’re selling a book or teaching people how to create an amazing membership site, remember that social media is a traffic source. And when it comes to video on social media, you want to use it to drive traffic to a landing page designed to do the heavy lifting.

Using Jim Kwik’s video ad, you’ll note that his keynote includes compelling messaging. It flows. If you’re looking for a way to increase your reading speed, what he says resonates.

4. Create a Strong Call-to-Action

Lastly, use a clear call-to-action. As social media has evolved over the years, so have the option for driving engagement. Today, you can include buttons below your social media videos that are known to capture clicks.

But don’t leave your call-to-action buttons alone. Include one at the end of your video to capitalize on the attention of your viewers.

Note how DigitalMarketer uses their video ad and thumbnail to draw attention to the offer.

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Calls-to-action are designed to do two things. First, they give specific instructions to viewers. Secondly, they help viewers develop expectations about what happens next. When created effectively, your calls to action will help convert more viewers.

And there you have it! A simple, four-step formula for creating social media videos designed to convert! But before you get started on creating yours, I’ve also included 11 tips you’ll find helpful below.


11 Tips to Elevate Your Social Media Videos

While the four-step formula will help you generate results that can be used to tweak and deliver stronger videos, these tips will save you time and shorten your learning curve.

1. Build a Video Sales Funnel

Creating a video funnel should be a priority. It’s a more holistic approach. And as people turn to more video, having content for each type of engagement (ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu) will help you grow your brand and drive more conversions faster.

2. Create Engaging Thumbnails

Capturing attention in a busy social media feed is tough but possible.

As people scroll through their feeds, your video only has up to three seconds to make an impact, so you’ll need to create a compelling thumbnail to draw attention. Research by Adspresso shows that you should aim to make yours as engaging as possible.

3. Write Powerful Social Post Copy

While your video will grab attention, don’t miss out on the opportunity to write strong and compelling social post copy. People still read and look to social copy for context for what they are about to consume.

To create an engaging social post copy, here’s an effective four-step formula by Judi Fox:

Step 1: Hook the viewer.

Your headline should instantly stop your audience from scrolling and capture their attention.

Step 2: Intrigue.

Leave your viewers on a cliff hanger to click on “…see more” or to stick around until the end of your video.

Step 3: Offer value.

Offer some value and share golden nuggets of wisdom with your audience.

Step 4: Follow up with a CTA.

And finally your call-to-action. You need to make sure to follow up on your awesome copy with a powerful CTA that leads your audience to take the action and convert.

4. Make Sure Your Landing Pages are Built to Convert

Landing pages are where the magic really happens. They do the hard work of selling your offer. Make sure yours include messaging that aligns with your video to help viewers connect the dots and boost your conversions.

5. Take Advantage of Live Streaming

Live streaming has become a large drawcard and it’s highly engaging. Forrester found that viewers watch live videos 10 to 20 times longer than pre-recorded video content. Take advantage of this wave. Whether you aim to make money through live streaming or as a brand awareness tool, It’s also a great opportunity to create more personalized engagements with buyers.

6. Use Captions

A report by Verizon showed that as many as 92% of mobile phone users watch videos with the sound of. On Facebook, that number is as high as 85%. To capitalize on the growing trend of viewers watching videos without sound, add captions to your videos.

7. Experiment With Video Length

The efficacy of video length differs on social media platforms. For example, videos between 208 and 226 seconds on Facebook seem to get the most engagement. On Twitter, HubSpot found that the sweet spot is 43 seconds. Test your videos to see what works best for your campaigns.

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8. Use Vertical Video

Vertical video is a powerful feature, and it’s not just for influencers looking to monetize their Instagram profiles. It creates a more immersive experience for mobile users. In fact, research by MediaBrix shows that vertical video ads enjoy a 90% completion rate. So, develop a more engaging experience using vertical video to give your video the best chance of success.

9. Go Native

Research by NewsWhip shows that native videos generate the highest engagement rates.

While it’s not clear if this is related to an algorithm that positions native videos above videos linked to external sources, native seems to be the smartest and more effective way to get your videos the eyes and clicks they need.

10. Use Paid Media

There’s no denying that paid media generates results faster than organic content. As you create your videos, set some budget aside to target and reach your audience. The added benefit of smart targeting and retargeting features on social media platforms also makes it easier to generate results quickly.

11. Keep Testing and Tweaking

Audience behavior changes, and there’s a good chance that the copy that works this month may not next month or next quarter. Keep testing and tweaking your video content to stay competitive and drive as many conversions as possible.


Start Creating High-Converting Social Media Videos

Social media videos aren’t a fad. They are here and brands just like yours are using them to grow.

While video may seem like a lot of work to produce, if you commit to building a funnel designed to serve your audience, you’ll generate results that will help inform where to take your brand next.

But before you pull the trigger, take the time to plan your approach. Understand what moves your buyers and how to position your brand, products, and services as attractively as possible.

Source: visme.co

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