четверг, 27 февраля 2020 г.

Smoke detectors to be added to every household in the Netherlands

The Netherlands already has tight housing regulations when it comes to safety, but a new law will require the implementation of smoke detectors in every building of the Netherlands, reports NOS.

The decision was made on the basis that in most fires people do not succumb to the flames, rather to the smoke.

Legislation for smoke detectors in newly-built buildings since 2003

There is some precedent to this law, as smoke detectors have been installed on every floor of new buildings since 2003.

The State Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Raymond Knops, is the one behind this push for a change of legislation, and he is supported by research on the lethality of smoke in case of fire. His choice was also advised from the fire brigade, property owners and builders and the municipalities.

The implementation period will take a long time

In order to implement the new law, changes need to be made to the existing building decree. The change will take effect on July 1, 2022, giving homeowners enough time to prepare for the switch.

Preparations are also underway to make sure there will be enough smoke detectors to provide when the switch happens, as millions of more detectors need to be available in order to successfully transition to the new law.

The municipalities will be in charge in regards to how exactly to implement and regulate the new smoke detectors, with Minister Knops stating that everyone must comply with the new regulation.

Happy with the new policy, or should the Netherlands take even more measures for safety? Let us know in the comments.

Feature Image: Tumi-1983/Pixabay

To read the article in English. eastlondonlines.co.uk

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