четверг, 24 октября 2019 г.

Dutch asylum seeker centres are full to the brim: but why?

Asylum seeker centres in the Netherlands are completely full, according to a statement released by the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) today, reports nu.nl

The number of asylum seekers currently staying in centres across the Netherlands is nearly 27,000. This is just under the number who were staying there in 2016, when the Netherlands was dealing with the aftermath of the refugee crisis.

The number of new asylum seekers is not the problem

The reasons for the current overcrowding of asylum seeker centres are complicated: it isn’t just because there are more asylum seekers arriving in the Netherlands (there are, but not by much). It’s also because of the housing shortage: many status holders haven’t been able to find housing, so they’re forced to stay in the centres longer than would be ideal. Finally, those who are processing asylum seeker applications need more time, more money, and more staff for the process to run as efficiently as it should.

LGBTI+ asylum seekers no longer protected

Misschien hadden we de intersectie van asielzoeker en lhbtqiar moeten benoemen 
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