вторник, 26 марта 2019 г.

Misadventures in podcasting

Disclosure: there is no financial relationship between the #watchnerd and Time4APint.

Sometimes it’s best just to admit when you’re wrong. And I’m almost *always* wrong. As way of apology, here are a few links, errata and other information to assist you in navigating through the mess I created of Chris Mann’s rather lovely podcast series, Time4aPint.

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Please scroll down for a gallery of linked images.

  1. Origin stories: If you’d like to read more about the steps Jeffrey Steingarten took when he became food critique for Vogue, I suggest The Man Who Ate Everything (1997) and It Must Have Been Something I Ate (five years later). You can read Jeffrey’s “origin story” here, and recent writings can be found here.

  2. Peter Speake Marin’s Serpent Piccadilly was also produced far earlier than I said, from 2004. Mine’s a little later. The movement is the ETA-modified FW2012 and the case is 42mm. Peter’s current project, The Naked Watchmaker (an encyclopaedia of watchmaking, with deconstructions of mechanical watches and micro-mechanics) will be launching shortly and can be found on Instagram.

  3. I may have confused people when trying to describe a star wheel’s involvement in the jumping second complication on my Habring2 Foudroyante. Rather than describe the Habring2 / Chezard approach, I was talking about Jaeger-LeCoultre’s True SecondJack Forster and Ian Skellern are far better at explaining these things than I will ever be, so try there first, and then try my article for QP Magazine in 2015.

  4. It appears I actually started ‘blogging as the #watchnerd in 2010.

  5. My first dive watch was a Casio DW-290, purchased in 1994/5. You can still buy them.

  6. Chuck Maddox’s excellent webpage has been kept running by Jeff Stein and others. Here’s his original description of Watch Idiot Savant from 2002.

  7. I mentioned the IWC Deep One. This rather good technical description of the IWC Ref 3527 is in German, but Google Translate works relatively well. The watch remains one of my all time favourite pieces.

  8. Kari Voutilainen’s Vingt-8 ISO is rather interesting. While speaking to him in January, he mentioned a book – ThinkingFast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. It might help describe the way that Kari hopes people will interact with his watch. Incredibly, there really was a patent from 1906.

  9. Wabi sabi is something about which many people appear to get quite excited. As someone who has more Japanese pots than watches, I probably have a completely different view of the aesthetic, and for that I apologise.

  10. I mentioned the Blaschkas in passing when describing the MB&F HM7 Aquapod. They were a family of glassworkers who moved from glass eyes into flowers and marine invertebrates. I’m a teensy bit obsessed with their work – much of which is still being actively studied by conservators. You may like this video.

  11. The Tudor Heritage Black Bay Steel is, of course, 41mm. The movement is the manufacture Calibre MT5612, with a rather incredible 70 hour power reserve.

  12. In discussing Jenny Bulstrode’s AHS Lecture on Dent’s glass springs, I really should have mentioned thermal stability. The other AHS Lecture to which I alluded was David Bryden’s insights into the horological trade in Georgian London, from evidence given at the Old Bailey. The next lecture, in September, is on the Antikythera Mechanism and Mechanical Universes.

  13. Dr James Nye’s book on Smiths, A long time in the making, published by the OUP, can be found here.

Please do let me know if there’s anything else I could usefully add to this list. Thanks again to Chris Mann and Time4aPint: please consider subscribing to the podcast, following on Twitter at @Time_4a_Pint and on Instagram at @time4apint.

Glass spring, seen at Charles Frodsham Wrist-mounted jellyfish, the MB&F HM7 Aquapod (C) 2017 @InitialJH Wrist-mounted jellyfish, the MB&F HM7 Aquapod (C) 2017 @InitialJH    Habring 2 Foudroyante Habring 2 Foudroyante movement

The post Misadventures in podcasting appeared first on the #watchnerd.

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