воскресенье, 13 сентября 2020 г.

Community comes together to raise money for Cody

cody community
SUCCESS: Money raising quiz for Cody. CREDIT: Facebook

Superbly supported fundraising efforts by the caring community of Campoverde bring a smile to Cody's face once more.

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CAMPOVERDE has been the stage of a wonderful story as a community has come together to support a small boy who is suffering from a life-threatening condition.

Fundraising for Cody and his family has been ongoing but a Quiz for Cody saw even more generosity from the loving community.

The quiz raised a whopping €1303 which will go towards the care and support Cody and his family.

Cody was born with a condition called Esophageal Atresia, which is a birth defect of the swallowing tube (esophagus) that connects the mouth to the stomach.

The event held at the Portobello Bar Restaurant saw an amazing turnout and the organisers thanked; Quiz Master Paul Butterworth, the happy band of Church in the Community helpers, the Campoverde Walking Football Team, everyone who so generously donated raffle prizes and everyone who couldn't be there but donated anyway.

The Church in the Community of Campoverde is doing some great things so let's continue to support them.

"Jesus told us to "Love your neighbour", and so He created Campoverde," a Facebook post read.

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Source: euroweeklynews.com

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