The ongoing Sandalwood drug racket has rattled the Kannada film industry. So far, seven people including actresses Ragini Dwivedi and Sanjjanaa Galrani have been arrested in the case. Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai, in an interview, opened up about the ongoing scandal. He re-confirmed that Ragini Dwivedi tampered with her dope test by mixing water with the sample. He also added that they’re tracking everyone related to the case.
Ragini Dwivedi was arrested by the Central Crime Branch [CCB] on September 4. Basavaraj Bommai said, «Ragini mixed water in her urine sample during her drug test and the doctors realised it. They informed the police.»
When asked if actors are being targetted, he said, «Actors are not soft targets. It’s the media who are concentrating on them. We are tracking everyone.»
Coming to Sanjjanaa, the minister said that there was a delay in arresting Sanjjanaa Galrani. «When we found substantial evidence, we arrested her. We cannot arrest her before gathering evidence. If do, you will criticise me. Be it Zameer Ahmed or Kumaraswamy, if there’s evidence we will act against them. I’ve given a free hand to the officials. Why is Siddaramaiah saying that we are targeting opposition leaders? He’s pre-empting it,» he added.
Minister Basavaraj Bommai said, «There might not be a Pablo Escobar in Karnataka. But, the situation is alarming on drugs. International cartel is working on this. There a drug nexus in all metro and not just Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata too. Joint efforts have to be done.»
ALSO READ | Sandalwood drug racket: Ragini Dwivedi tampers first dope test by mixing water with urine sample
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