четверг, 24 сентября 2020 г.

A naked woman has oil poured over her in Extinction Rebellion demonstration

Extinction Rebellion
The bizarre scene outside the Ministry
Credit: Twitter Capture

AS underwater exploration for oil continues activists converged on Oslo to complain about the lack of a clear environmental policy by the Norwegian Government and 40 protestors were arrested in three mainly peaceful demonstrations.

Organised by Extinction Rebellion, the most unusual demonstration saw a scene outside of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy where a naked woman had an oil-like substance poured over her by a man in a suit and wearing a mask, presumably representing the oil companies.

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Identified as 31-year-old Sara van der Moer, the naked woman told reporters," I wanted to show human vulnerability by being naked. We are vulnerable to the climate crisis we are facing,"

Others laid on the ground outside at the building entrance and sprayed one window with their logo whilst unfurling a banner saying 'Let the oil lie'.

All were removed by the police but it was stressed by all parties that there was no attempt at violence and the protestors simply made themselves as heavy as possible.

In another part of Oslo, around 80 activists blocked a main road but were also carried away without resistance and then more arrived back at the Ministry building dressed in fish costumes and tried to glue themselves to the wall, this time carrying banners reading "Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are trying to save the world."

Whilst recognising the need to look to the future, the Norwegian Government has made it clear that whilst oil is such an important part of day to day life that it will need to allow exploration and continued sales in order to support the economy.

The demonstrations coincided with an announcement by Prime Minister Erna Solberg that the Government had decided to only invest in one of two expected and long-awaited carbon capture and storage projects, this one being at the Norcem cement factory in Porsgrunn.

Source: euroweeklynews.com

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