понедельник, 24 августа 2020 г.

Money drought for drinks-only bars

CALPE BARS: Mayor called for opening hours re-think Photo credit: Fife Flickr

CALPE'S mayor Ana Sala complained that new anti-Covid restrictions were unjust. 

Cocktail bars have recently had to close for three weeks and during that time "they won't make one cent," the mayor pointed out. 

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They open at 6pm and close at 4am and should be allowed to work in the same conditions as other bars that close at 1am, she argued. 

She felt it was unfair not to make a specific evaluation of each sector and business.  "A bar or a restaurant can serve a gin-and-tonic until 1am," Sala said.  "But an establishment that only serves drinks has to close. 

Although the mayor called on the regional government's Health department to "think about" each specific sector, the latest measures were "prudent and adequate," she stressed. 

"But we need to alleviate the damage suffered by a sector that is closely linked to tourism," Sala said. 

Source: euroweeklynews.com

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