четверг, 7 мая 2020 г.

Historical city travel guide: Nineveh, 7th century BC


The city of Nineveh has recently undergone extensive development to become the new capital of the mighty Assyrian empire. It is now a vast metropolis surrounded by massive walls some 12 kilometres in length that encompass an area of 750 hectares (7.5km2) in size. While official statistics on the population of Nineveh are not available, it reportedly takes three days to cross the city.

cosmopolitan city is located on the eastern bank of the River Tigris at the
intersection of the road which connects the highlands of the north with the
prosperous lands of Babylonia and Chaldea in the south.

Relief showing orchards and gardens watered by an aqueduct and how the reliefs would have been originally coloured.

A veritable paradise on earth, the fertile lands surrounding Nineveh are perfect for growing the huge volumes of staple crops such as wheat and barley needed to feed the population of this colossal city. Benefitting from plentiful rainfall, the city is also situated where the River Khosr meets the River Tigris, which guarantees an abundant supply of water. A monumental aqueduct brings water over a vast distance to feed the city’s network of canals. Upstream from the city you will find orchards planted with vines, fruit trees and olive groves.

When to visit

The summer
months in Assyria are ferociously hot and are best avoided. Winters are often very
wet and the city is transformed into a quagmire. The best times to visit are autumn
and spring, when the city has warm days with cool mornings and evenings. 

Getting there

By river

Travelling from the north, the city can
be easily reached via the River Tigris using the quppu ferry service, a local round-boat woven from bundles of reeds
and waterproofed with bitumen. If travelling by river from the south expect a
longer journey as you sail against the flow of the river. Most quppus dock in the city quay.


Thanks to the Assyria royal road
network, travelling to the city on donkey or mule is quick and convenient.
Major routes include the north-south road from the foothills of the Taurus
Mountains down to Babylonia, and the east-west road from the Zagros Mountains
to the Levantine coast. Accommodation and food stalls are plentiful along the
major routes. Government officials with an appropriate authorisation will be
able to stay at the posting stations which can be found every 20-30 km along
all major routes.

Relief showing a mule carrying equipment for a hunt. Assyrian, 645–640 BC.

Getting around

While Nineveh is huge, it is still possible to reach most destinations on foot. Should you wish to travel by donkey or mule, there are numerous rental places throughout the city. Nineveh and its surrounding area is famous for its network of canals so make sure you take a ride in a guppu boat or one of the local gondolas.

Things to see and do

The city walls and gates

On reaching the city you will be amazed
by its massive walls and the 18 city gates, which are flanked with colossal
human-headed bulls carved from blocks of gypsum alabaster. They are known
locally as Iamassu and are believed
to prevent evil forces from entering the city.

Sculpture of a winged bull (lamassu) from the Assyrian city of Nimrud. 865–860 BC.

The ‘Palace Without Rival’

This fabulous palace was built by King
Sennacherib at the turn of the century to be a wonder for all people and is not
to be missed. Its name, the ‘Palace Without Rival’, is well deserved, as it covers
around 500m x 250m and is situated on a high terrace overlooking the city. The
exterior facades of the palace are made from tens of thousands of baked bricks
erected on a foundation of limestone blocks which are faced with polished white
plaster and capped with blue-glazed bricks. Huge doors of cedar wood are
adorned with decorated shiny copper bands while the arches and copings are
adorned with colourful glazed tiles.

Drawing of a relief showing city walls. Assyrian, 645–640 BC.

The palace is formed of several large
paved courtyards surrounded by suites of rooms and corridors. Be sure to look
out for some of the cast bronze columns with bases in the form of fierce lions.
A technological marvel! Visit the in-vogue bīt-ḫilāni
room, said to be a perfect replica of a Hittite palace.

Artist’s impression of a hall in an Assyrian palace from The Monuments of Nineveh by Sir Austen Henry Layard, 1853.

Should you be lucky enough to visit the throne
room you will be greeted by a towered facade with three entrances flanked by
colossal human-headed winged bulls. Beyond the throne room you will find the
administrative, ceremonial and domestic quarters of the palace, but these are
definitely off limits to visitors.

Grander rooms in the palace are decorated
with stone wall panels carved with narrative scenes and protective magical
figures, all of which are brilliantly coloured. It is said that if the reliefs
were all placed together, they would extend for a length of 3km!

The botanical gardens

The famous gardens of Nineveh are a must for any plant and animal lover. The terraced palace gardens are said to be a replica of Mount Amanus (Ed. in modern-day Turkey) and feature all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees. Just outside of the city are botanical gardens with a unique collection of aromatic trees from the land of Ḫatti (Ed. in modern-day Turkey), fruit trees, and trees from the mountains and the lands of Chaldea (Ed. in the south of modern-day Iraq). The gardens are watered by an intricate network of canals. In the game reserves you will find wild boar, roe deer, and if you’re lucky, you might even spot a lion! The garden shop is well stocked with flowers from across the empire, as well as a wide variety of cooking herbs and medicinal plants.

Carved panel depicting a lion and lioness relaxing in a lush garden setting. Assyrian, 645–640 BC.

The ziggurat

This massive temple tower stands proudly
on the citadel mound and can be seen from all corners of the city. The tower
features successive receding stories accessible by a series of steep stairways.
It is built from a core of sun-baked bricks faced with fired bricks that are
glazed in different colours. Sadly, the ziggurat is closed to general visitors
and only accessible to the priesthood, so you will need to admire its grandeur
from afar.

Temple of Ishtar

Dedicated to Ishtar of Nineveh, the
goddess of warfare and passion, this temple complex has stood in the same place
for over a thousand years. The nearby temple of Nabu is dedicated to the god of
literature, scribes and wisdom. Both sanctuaries are notable for their facades
of colourful glazed tiles and bricks, interior rooms lined with carved stone
wall panels and numerous rich embellishments of gold and silver.



Musicians and priests take part in a religious procession. Assyrian, 705–681 BC

Nineveh’s busy cultic calendar sees citywide festivals take place throughout the year. A must for any visitor, these colourful events are a time when the city’s devout populace take to the streets to enjoy the festivities and to receive fresh bread, beer, and honey cakes (delicious!).

Lion hunts

Nineveh is famous for the spectacular and brutal lion hunts that take place in the game parks located outside the city. By combining sport, ritual and theatre, the Assyrian kings publicly display their valour and military skill as they slay ferocious lions from their battle chariots. The best spot to view the action is the hill beside the hunting grounds – get there early to beat the crowds.

Relief depicting king Ashurbanipal hunting a lion. Assyrian, 645–640 BC.


Don’t miss the weekly shows of the Epic of Gilgamesh, performed by dancers and acrobats acting out the hero’s adventures, and the monthly recitals of the Epic of Creation, with the Assyrian state god Ashur as the lead role.

Sports and exercise

Daily exercise is important. The citizens of Nineveh
love to take a stroll along the Tigris in the early evening and children can
always be seen running around and playing tag (though note that ball games are
not played). Renting a horse can be expensive, but well worth it on public
holidays, when racing is permitted in the parade ground below the Arsenal.
Fishing is also popular.


The most popular board game is the Game of Ur, over a thousand years old but still going strong! Luxury sets made of gold, ivory and precious stones are available at high-end outlets, but you can just as easily make your own version by scratching the outline on a brick and using pebbles as pieces. It is rumoured that a few years ago some soldiers scratched the board into one of King Sennacherib’s winged bull sculptures. They were punished by being sent to work in the quarries.

Find out how to play the Game of Ur here.

The Game of Ur board. Wood and shell. Ur, 2600–2400 BC.

Victory parades

Some say that the Assyrian war machine
is unstoppable, crushing all that stands before it. If you’re lucky, you may
get to witness an Assyrian victory triumph, as prisoners and war booty are
paraded through the city streets. But beware, they aren’t for the faint hearted
– often the grizzly spectacles end in the severed heads of enemies being
displayed on the city’s ramparts! 


Nineveh is a major centre of trade and there are plenty of shopping opportunities to be had throughout the city’s markets. Payment is generally in silver or copper, most larger retailers will also accept grain or dates. Many outlets will accept credit if backed up by a personal seal.

Drawing of an Assyrian door sill in the form of a carpet. Assyrian, 645–640 BC.

Local crafts can be purchased in the artisanal quarter, located in the north west of the city, best accessed by the Sin Gate or Nergal Gate. Nineveh’s bronze workers are renowned for their skill and technological innovations, while Assyrian woven carpets and hemmed garments are highly sought after.

Markets and stalls selling fresh mountain produce and livestock from the highlands can be found in the north eastern quarter of the city, especially along the road that runs from the Halahhu Gate. Exotic merchandise and bulk bargains can be found in the city quay and the surrounding merchants quarter. Look out for goods such as purple cloth and ivory from Phoenicia (Ed. modern-day Lebanon), spices and incense from Arabia, textiles and woods from Turkey and Iran and wine from Syria.

Phoenician ivory of a winged sphinx. 9th–8th century BC.

Assyrian literature is famous and
includes a wide range of stories, prayers and historical and other texts. While
the famous state Library of Ashurbanipal can only be visited by appointment
(restricted to established scholars), the city has numerous bookshops.

Food and drink

lavish banquets held by the Assyrian aristocracy are something to behold. On
the inauguration of a new place, thousands of VIP guests flock to the city
where they are fed, bathed and anointed to the sounds of music and joyful
celebration. Hundreds of fattened oxen, thousands of sheep and vast quantities
of game such as deer, ducks, pigeons and turtle doves are served at these
extravagant banquets!

Detail from a relief showing king Ashurbanipal’s queen feasting in a garden.
645–635 BC.

dishes can be found at street stalls located in the markets and by the city
quay. On offer are various broths, flatbreads stuffed with mutton and tasty
vegetable fillings, cheese, fresh fruit, honey cakes, sweets and delicious
dates sourced from Chaldea. Local delicacies include the nutritious snack of crunchy
roast grasshoppers served on a stick as well as spiced grilled river-carp.

Silver beaker decorated with gold leaf. Assyrian, c. 750–700 BC.

Craft beer is booming, and new taverns are opening up all over the city, so it’s best to ask a local for up-to-the-minute tips, but make sure you sample the local fig-beer. The best drinking spots are located to the northeast of the city and by the city quay, many of which have live music. Taverns located in the merchants’ quarter have a seedy reputation and are best avoided after dark. Wine lovers should head to the north west of the city, near the wealthier residences that surround the citadel mound. The local custom is to drink wine from bronze and silver bowls. Look out for the rich reds sourced from the kingdom of Urartu’s celebrated cellars.



Loans of silver,
copper and barley are available at most major temples, at competitive rates. Try
not to default on your loan though – you may be charged with a penalty in
excess of 1000%, as well as being subjected to ritual humiliations.


Nineveh has a
vibrant economy. For those wishing to buy futures in grain prices or options on
temple services, the results of the daily examination of sheeps livers (used to
read the future) are published at midday (excepting festivals days of Ashur and

Buying property

Attracted to this wonderful city? Considering
investing? Purchasing property is easy. All you need is your personal seal
(both stamp seals and cylinder seals are accepted) and at least two witnesses. Payment
is generally in silver. You can also buy plots of land and build your own home
– but please make sure not to encroach on the Royal Road, for which the penalty
is death.

Local laws and

Despite its size, Nineveh is a relatively safe for visitors. Crime and dissent is low as the punishments are severe. Violation of state property, theft and abduction are commonly punishable by impalement! Visitors to the city would be wise to respect local laws at all times!

To discover more about ancient Assyria you can read our Introduction the Assyrians blog here.

Source: blog.britishmuseum.org — The British Museum Blog

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