пятница, 29 мая 2020 г.


Did you know that The Netherlands counts 21 National parks and more than 160 Nature Reserves? Time to explore!

Holland may be small, it has so much nature! Now is the time to discover The Netherlands as you have never done before. We’ve selected 6 of our favourite Nature parks and Reserves that are worth a visit this summer.

The Wadden area

A day trip to the Wadden area is the perfect outing for people who want to get some fresh air. Due to its tranquility, breathtaking views and wild nature, it has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Beach, sea, forest and parks can be found on the islands, so there is something for everyone! Did you know that Germany has some beautiful islands too? Check out Norderney!
Beautiful Nature reserves Netherlands, Wadden

De Hoge Veluwe National Park

This National Park is also known for its diverse landscapes and in addition to beautiful nature, you can also enjoy a nice culture. The park houses the Jachthuis Sint Hubertus and you will also find the famous Kröller-Müller Museum here. Because of the size of the Hoge Veluwe, you can take beautiful walks or rent a bicycle and explore the park.
De Hoge Veluwe National Park


This is where Elke’s lives nearby, and it is truly one one Holland’s most beautiful places to walk and cycle in. We’ve seen plenty of deers, horses and chipmunks walking around, especially in the morning when it’s quiet. The best beach in our opinion is located in between IJmuiden and Bloemendaal beach. In fact, you can only get here by bicycle, so it’s always quiet. The ride there takes you through the forest and starts at Duin & Kruidberg, with several beautiful stops for a break. In total, it takes about 20 minutes to get to the beach. The dunes are great for a picnic (remember to bring your trash) because there is no beach bar here, so bring enough water! 
best nature reserves Netherlands, Zuid-Kennemerland

The Biesbosch

The Biesbosch is a unique piece of nature reserve in the Netherlands because it is located in a river delta. It is also known as the largest freshwater tidal area in Europe, which is why you will find many willow flood forests and creeks. Together with a ranger you can discover the area and all its glory, including the beaver.
Nature Parks, Biesbosch


The Oostvaardersplassen, located between Almere and Lelystad, are a large wetland area and have an area of ​​approximately 56 square kilometers. If you are an animal fan this is the park for you. Large groups of konik horses and red deer live here, as well as many special, rare birds. Some parts of the area are closed to protect nature, but there are enough hiking trails available to spend a day here.
Oostvaarderplassen, Nethelrands

The Loonse and Drunense Dunes

This dune landscape in Brabant is so unique that it was awarded the National Park De Loonse en Drunense Duinen in 2002. The vast majority of this area consists of sand and is therefore also referred to as the Sahara of the Netherlands. Bring a picnic basket and a blanket and spend the day enjoying this piece of nature reserve in the sunshine. 
Nature Reserves, Loonse and Drunense Duinen
For all the Dutch National Parks, visit www.nationaalpark.nl

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