пятница, 29 мая 2020 г.

5 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Travel with Your Kids this Year

When we picture world wide travelers or we open up the latest post from our favorite travel influencers, they’re usually solo travelers with very few responsibilities. When it comes to backpacking across the globe and traveling the world, very few of us picture visiting different cultures, new continents, and countries with our children in tow.
It’s hardly surprising that traveling across the world with little ones sounds like a lot of hard work, right? Tantrums, long haul flights, fussy eaters, constantly worrying about their safety, missing school and whilst you’re worrying about all this, would you be able to enjoy yourself? Visiting a museum or enjoying a night at the Italian opera sounds a little awkward when you put kids into the equation – click here to find out more about Rome opera tickets. Can you really experience a new culture to the fullest as a family with children?
It might surprise you to discover that more and more families are taking the plunge and hitting the open road with their little ones by their side. So, what’s the appeal?

Read on for 5 reasons why you should travel with your kids this year

To show them the world

It’s simple, right? But it’s true! Being able to show your children that there is a big wide world beyond where they live is an important lesson. When you visit the far corners of the world with your children it exposes them to new cultures, new languages and helps them to understand that life isn’t all about being the most popular kid in school or being picked for the football team. Sounds a little deep for pre-schoolers but showing your kid the world highlights to them that there is a whole world of opportunities out there, just waiting to be explored.

2-Week Sri Lanka Itinerary Memorable To Young Kids

You can reconnect

We live in a digitized world and despite the popularity of social media, it’s easy to be disconnected from each other. When you travel the world with your kids, you get to unplug from social media and all those electronics that keep us isolated from one another. Travelling allows you to truly reconnect with your family and makes everyone happier.
maya tangalle sri lanka

To make memories

Of course, any kind of memory with your child is a treasured one. But those memories you made on the other side of the world, or when you spent time volunteering at a sea turtle sanctuary are going to be some of the greatest. And there’s no better way to cherish these precious memories than to record them by coloring your own unique world map, printed on canvas 😉

Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka

They will discover how lucky they are

It’s easy to take hot meals, the latest toys, and good shoes for granted. When you travel the world with your kids, they’ll get to see the kind of lives that other children lead. Your child must understand how lucky they are and when they see how others live, it will increase their compassion and gratitude.
2-Week Sri Lanka Itinerary Memorable To Young Kids

It’s educational!

Learning about Machu Picchu in class is one thing, but seeing it up close and studying it in real life? Priceless! From different countries to new cultures, music and food, famous art, architecture, and even animals. Arguably your child can learn just as much (if not more) from a few months on the road than they would in a classroom.
Yes, travel truly makes families happier!

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