суббота, 29 февраля 2020 г.

What Makes This Photo of Amy Klobuchar at the South Carolina Democratic Debate So Universal?

Last night while The Democrats Present: Hell in a Cell 45, Socialists Take All was airing on CBS, I was perusing Getty images, as one is wont to do. I stumbled upon a photo, not of a moment in time so much as of an energy. This photo of Senator Amy Klobuchar is a timeless piece of history that encapsulates a feeling so universal, so hard to describe. Check it out.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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You know exactly what that feeling is, right?

When you take two melatonin gummies.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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That feeling when your coworkers are arguing at 4pm on a Wednesday, but it’s okay because neither is really mad and you get to listen.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When there’s a hot day in April, but your air condition is controlled by the entire building.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you spend hours creating a meal for someone who you thought had a gluten sensitivity, but when they arrive, they clarify that it’s a dairy intolerance.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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That feeling when every day is a winding road.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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That feeling when you get a little bit closer.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you know you shouldn’t get a bag of Skittles from the vending machine, but you do anyway because you’re feeling naughty, and then it gets stuck.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you tell your friend, «I’m almost there!» as you’re walking out the door, and they say, «Great, I just got a table.»

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you wake up in a panic and start getting dressed because you’re late, only to realize it’s Saturday.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you want to make a casserole, but they’re out of cream of mushroom.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When your dad calls you to ask you what his password is.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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«Fruit is a healthy alternative.»

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you say «bless you,» and the person sneezes four more times.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When Phil Collins’ «In the Air Tonight» is playing in your friend’s car, but they turn it off before the drum solo.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you accidentally tell someone in a professional setting that you love them.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When The View is playing at the doctor’s office.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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«Let’s just split the bill evenly.»

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you’ve been drinking decaf all morning.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When a player forgets to answer in the form of a question on Jeopardy!

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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That feeling when your friend who just got back from England keeps saying, «Cheers!»

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When someone is just «circling back.»

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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«Dry January»

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When you’re scrolling on your phone in a public bathroom and it turns out it wasn’t on mute.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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When it’s not delivery, it’s Digiorno.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Charleston Ahead Of SC Primary

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Justin Kirkland is a writer for Esquire, where he focuses on entertainment, television, and pop culture.

To read the article in English. esquire.com

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