среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.

The daily gossip: February 18, 2020


You have to give Adele credit: In this era of near-constant «surprise» album drops, she still found a totally original way to reveal that her next record is on the horizon. While performing at a friend’s wedding, Adele told the crowd, «Expect my album in September» — an apparently off-the-cuff announcement that spread via some instantly viral social media videos from weddings guests, because that’s how the internet works. No further details about the album have emerged, but we’re going to go out on a limb and speculate there will be at least one soaring anthem about moving on from heartbreak. [Variety]


One of the big surprises in last year’s climactic Star Wars sequel The Rise of Skywalker was the return of Han Solo — a twist few fans saw coming, since Han’s son stabbed him with a lightsaber and dropped his body down a bottomless pit two movies earlier. In a recent interview, Ford recalled being baffled when Abrams asked him to return for Rise of Skywalker, saying «Are you kidding? I’m dead!» Abrams replied by telling him Han was only «sorta dead,» setting the stage for the Star Wars/Princess Bride crossover we never knew we always wanted. [People]


Over the weekend, eagled-eyed residents of San Francisco got a little taste of what it’s like to take the red pill, as the upcoming and mysterious fourth Matrix movie filmed a truly jaw-dropping stunt in downtown San Francisco. Observers took to social media to share footage of two people dressed in black leaping from the top of a skyscraper and dangling over the city. The duo were eventually pulled back to the rooftop of the skyscraper via an elaborate system of wires — because in the real world, people really do rely on machines. [People]


Fantasizing about what it might be like to go on a date with dreamboat Robert Pattinson? Here’s an odd little nugget to file away: According to Pattinson himself, «lots of people» have told him he smells like a crayon. When pressed on this truly odd detail, Pattinson added that the odor is like he’s been «embalmed» — so either he needs to change his cologne or he went really, really method for the Twilight movies. [E! Online]


Our long national nightmare is over: After reports that Justin Bieber was only keeping his mustache to tease all the people who hated it — including his mom, his wife, and himself — the singer has finally shaved it off. The mustache was memorialized by Bieber in an Instagram video set to songs like «Since U Been Gone» and «Hit the Road Jack.» But don’t celebrate too soon: According to Bieber, the mustache «will be back in due time» — or at least whenever he needs another easy P.R. hit from the gossip blogs. [Page Six]

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