пятница, 28 февраля 2020 г.

Second Dutch coronavirus (COVID-19) patient found in Amsterdam

After the first man to be infected with COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, was diagnosed in Tilburg yesterday, a second patient was found today in Amsterdam, NOS reports.

This time it’s a woman who had travelled recently to Lombardy in Italy, where a major outbreak of coronavirus is taking place. She has been put under isolation at home in Diemen, and the GGD in Amsterdam is investigating with whom she has been in contact. There is no link between her and the man from Tilburg who was diagnosed yesterday.

The GGD is making a map of the people the patient may have been in contact with to understand where it might spread to next. As the woman is only quarantined at home, and hasn’t needed to be brought to the hospital, it seems her symptoms are not too bad- that’s the guess of Aura Timen from the RIVM on NPO Radio 1.

If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, don’t head straight to the emergency room or your local GP- call them first, or you might end up infecting your fellow patients.

More information to follow. 

Image: Matteo Fusco/unsplash

To read the article in English. eastlondonlines.co.uk

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