понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.

Coronavirus: Dutch-Chinese woman attacked after asking a group of Dutch boys to stop singing a racist song

A 24-year old Dutch-Chinese woman was attacked on her way to her student flat in Tilburg after she asked some youth in an elevator to stop singing a racist song.

It’s one of the unfortunate consequences of the coronavirus outbreak that has seen a spike in racism towards Chinese people.

“Prevention is better than the Chinese”

The woman, named Cindy, went in an elevator with a couple of young boys, who were singing the infamous Radio 10 song “prevention is better than the Chinese”, which has already caused controversy through its explicit racism towards Chinese people. When she asked them to stop singing the song, she was attacked by the group.

Cindy states that the next thing she remembers is waking up on the floor of the hall, with slashes on her body. She then reported the incident to the police, reports RTL Nieuws.

“Cutting the coronavirus out of her”

After awakening, she also noticed that the boys had slashed her with a knife, in order to “remove” the coronavirus from her body. Cindy has said that she is shocked that a remark about the song could lead to such violence, and she asks the perpetrators to report to the police.

She has also said that she wishes to speak with them, in order to combat the ignorance of these individuals. She has seen first hand what happens in regards to racism caused by the coronavirus, as people avoid going to Chinese establishments and restaurants in the Netherlands.

This story will be updated as more details emerge.

Feature Image: SISTEMA 12/Wikimedia Commons

To read the article in English. dutchreview.com

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