пятница, 10 июля 2020 г.

Whopping fines for illegal parties in Mallorca and Ibiza

CHECKS: The islands' administrations and security forces have formed joint work teams to ensure compliance with measures to prevent Covid-19 spreading.
CREDIT: Govern Illes Balears @goib

STAGING an illegal party in any of Spain's Balearic Islands could land the organisers with whopping fines of up to €600,000.

The hefty penalty is included in a decree approved by the regional government on Friday to regulate the sanctions for failing to comply with established safety regulations aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.

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The new decree sets out financial penalties according to whether an offence is minor, serious or very serious.

Minor violations carrying fines of between €100 and €3,000 include an open establishment which does not offer the public information about opening hours, maximum capacity, social distancing or mask use.

Falling into the serious category, with corresponding fines of €3,001 to €60,000 is organising any kind of private or public gathering, party or event which attracts crowds and makes it difficult or prevents the adoption of health protection measures.

Marketing these kinds of events makes it a very serious violation, as does exceeding the maximum number of people allowed in establishments or for activities where it represents a risk or serious damage to public health, affecting more than 150 people.

Also considered very serious is not complying with the obligation to turn establishment dance floors over to a different use.

Public Administration and Modernisation regional minister Isabel Castro explained that establishments could also be banned from operating from up to three years.

"We cannot lower our guard or take a step back", Castro said, remarking that it was a shame that the behaviour of "a few" could put the health of others at risk.

She explained that the islands' public administrations and security forces have formed joint work teams to keep a control on compliance with the measures set out by the health authorities.

Source: euroweeklynews.com

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